Guide with the list of cards and perks available for each class.
Details of which enhancement can be placed in which enhancement slot.
List of items per equipment slot
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The main goal of this build is to clear jobs in easy difficulty very quickly.
You can regularly complete some jobs by round 3 and you will very rarely need more than 5 rounds.
It is not fully optimized, some cards / items could be changed to make it even faster.
Spellweaverr1: Reviving ether (b), Chromatic explosion (t)
Go next to the door of first room and charge up elements
r2: Stone fists (t), Zephyr wings (b)
Go as far as you can using boots of sprinting, at least opening 3rd room. Try to position yourself to hit 2 strong opponents with stone fist, hopefully sending one of them on a trap.
Also anticipate in which room you will do inferno.
You can position yourself and use stone fists to try to keep as many opponents in the room as possible or not.
Do not forget to activate cloak of invisibility ! (bad things happen if you don't but it's still possible to win)
r3: Inferno (t), Frozen night (b)
Heavy damage, activate Eagle-eye googles and major power potion and stay invisible.
After: use fire orbs to finish whatever is left. Use the giant spider and your mobility to pick-up some loot.
r1: Defensive tactics (b), Face your end (t)
Use the early initiative to disarm opponents that could immobilize you.
r2: Skirmishing maneuver (t), Hook and chain (b)
Help to clear up the first room and go next to the door
r3: Trample (b), Balanced measure (t)
Your main damage dealing turn, activate enhanced drill / boots of sprinting / major power potion and go through as many opponents as you can.
You can use blinking cape / doomed compass to end up next to someone and deal 10+ damage attack with balanced measure.
After: use frenzied onslaught and devastating hack to finish whatever is left
Soothsingerr1: Disorienting dirge (b), Melody and harmony (t)
Mass curses and buffs. The reason captivating performance is not played turn 1 is due to a bug preventing scoundrel to play its buffs afterwards.
You can activate mountain hammer / ring of skulls although waiting next turn to see if they are needed or not is fine too
The goal of these summons is just to clear first room when all your allies have gone (round 2 onwards)
Summons are strong on soothsinger due to its high damage modifier deck compared to others.
r2: Captivating performance (t), Booming proclamation (b) or Provoke terror (b)
Choice of bottom card depends on ally / enemies placement
r3: Power ballad (t), whatever is needed (b)
After: you will just be picking up loot from now on. Use inspiring anthem (b) whenever you have a proper setup due to its infinite range
r1: Single out (b), Watch it burn (t)
r2: Flanking strike (b), Stiletto storm (t)
Poison strong enemies, position yourself next to the door but leave the closest space for brute if it can reach it this round.
Winged shoes can be activated either on this round or next one, depending on your needs
r3: Hidden dagger (t), Backstab (b)
Play after Trample, just finish whatever is left.
Use your items (sacrificial robes, major power potion) round 3
After: duelist advance / throwing knives is a good combo to pick up loot
What could be improved:
Brute: add strength on the trample turn, can be done with lucky eye for instance
Brute: Defensive tactics is not very impactful, there might be something better to play.
Spellweaver: it would be good to play earlier in turn 2 so that other characters can start cleaning 2nd room already
Spellweaver: element generation on zephyr could be transferred to other characters / items for additional movement
Soothsinger: we don't really need that many curses, disorienting device enhancement could be changed to something else
Soothsinger: the impact of power ballad is limited, and it takes 2 cards to setup there might be better things to play instead
Scoundrel: round 2 attack hits before soothsinger captivating performance, which could be changed with a card with slightly higher than 25 initiative that plays slightly later (although speed to clear room 1 doesn't really matter overall so it's ok to waste damage there)
This build can deal 35 damage to all enemies on round 1 which is enough for a savvas lavaflow elite in insane difficulty.
This build does not require many enhancements - only character for which they are slightly useful is Nightshroud but it doesn't change much.
This build does not care about perk setup at all.
This build uses only a few cards for each character (around 3/4), rest can be filled as needed.
This build requires a lot of items that are available only late in the game.
The overall play order is:
1) Plagueherald uses all its items
2) Quartermaster refreshes Plagueherald items
3) Sunkeeper gives extra turn to Plagueherald
4) Plagueherald uses all its items again
Plagueherald should be placed behind Quartermaster and Sunkeeper as getting Plagueherald stunned/disarmed is the main risk of failure.
Nightshroud (top left) / Plagueherald (top right)
Quartermaster (bottom left) / Sunkeeper (bottom right)
Nightshroud (top left) / Plagueherald (top right)
Quartermaster (bottom left) / Sunkeeper (bottom right)
Unseen dread (b) / Grim sustenance (t) - initiative 5
Play grim sustenance at any point during the turn, it's just to be invisible, not to deal damage
Use Wand of storm and Major Mana potion to create Light / Dark / Wind elements
Then just move as far as you can using:
Unseen dread (7) + Boots of sprinting (4) / Blinking Cape (4) / Ring of Haste + Spirit of the night (8) / Empowering Talisman + Ring of Haste + Angel of death (6) or Silent force (7) if you don't need jump on that last move
29 movement should be enough to reach the last room, even for job quests with a lot or rooms
Reasons for having low initiative is mostly to avoid stun / immobilize on the Nightshroud, burn Dark if required to avoid opponents using it to get invisible, as well as avoiding a bug on the quartermaster boots that tends to happen when an opponent has lower initiative for some reason.
Plagueherald - part 1
Airborn Toxin (b) / Accelerated End (t) - initiative 57
Airborn Toxin
Accelerated End (2 dmg)
Orb of twilight
Ring of Haste (Mass Extinction)
Mass Extinction (3 dmg)
Major Stamina potion ( Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Second Chance ring (Accelerated End / Mass Extinction - initiative 62)
Mass Extinction (4 dmg)
Accelerated End (1 dmg)
Major Mana potion (Dark / Air)
Star Earring (Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Pendant of Dark Pacts (Ring of Haste / Second Chance Ring)
Second Chance Ring (Accelerated End / Mass Extinction - initiative 62)
Mass Extinction (4 dmg)
Accelerated End (1 dmg)
Minor Stamina potion (Mass Extinction)
Wand of darkness
Ring of Brutality (Winged congregation)
End extra turn once (for elements to be available)
Ring of Haste (Mass Extinction)
Mass Extinction (4 dmg)
Restock (b) / Side Pouch (t) / Boots of Speed (-10) - initiative 63
Side Pouch (Plagueherald)
You can just skip restock move, this card is here for initiative value only
Major Mana potion (Dark / Air)
Scroll of Stamina (Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Sunkeeper - part 1
Defensive stance (b) / Unwavering Mandate (t) - initiative 65
Unwavering Mandate (Plagueherald)
Plagueherald - part 2
Mass extinction (4 dmg)
Accelerated End (1 dmg)
Major Stamina potion (Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Second Chance Ring (Accelerated End / Mass Extinction - initiative 62)
Sunkeeper - part 2
You can skip Defensive stance, this card is here for the initiative value only
Major Mana potion (Dark / Air)
Plagueherald - part 3
Mass Extinction (4 dmg)
Accelerated End (1 dmg)
Major Mana potion (Dark / Air)
Star Earring (Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Pendant of Dark Pacts (Major Stamina potion / Second Chance Ring)
Second Chance Ring (Accelerated End / Mass Extinction - initiative 62)
Mass Extinction (4 dmg)
Accelerated End (1 dmg)
Major Stamina potion (Mass Extinction / Accelerated End)
Ring of Haste (Mass Extinction)
Mass Extinction (2 dmg)
And that's 36 damage done to everyone