In 2019, when Caroline Ras heard the goal of the professional fraternity Lambda Kappa Sigma was to elevate women in pharmacy, “something just clicked,” she said.
Panthers Get in the Engagement GamePanthers are ready to get involved and be engaged in 2024-25. More than 300 students, from every undergraduate and graduate degree program, came out Thursday night to learn about the 54 clubs and organizations they could join.
ACPHS Reunion 2024Join us on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 to honor classes ending in '4' and '9' but we invite all alumni to come celebrate with us! To register and receive accommodation information, please visit Reunion | Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (acphs.
2024 White Coat CeremonyJoin the ACPHS Community as our P1s receive their white coats, a time-honored, annual tradition symbolizing a student's commitment to become competent and caring professionals.
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At ACPHS, you'll be part of the Albany, NY, community and the Capital Region of New York. You're close to the MVP Arena, Empire State Plaza, Saratoga Race Course, Saratoga Performing Arts Center, and the Adirondack Mountains.
You can also explore the Northeast, one drive at a time! ACPHS is located near several cities, including New York City, Niagara Falls, Boston, MA, Portland, ME, and Montreal, Canada, which are at most two to four hours away.