The Handbook is where you can find unit and course offerings and rules to help you enrol.
Use the online Handbook to view electives, majors and units for your course. You generally need to follow the course rules which correspond to the year you commenced your course.
Past editions of the Handbook are available if you need to check on course or unit details for a previous year. For Handbooks prior to 2010, please consult Library Search for digital versions.
You can get specific advice regarding your enrolment during Orientation Week.
If you can’t attend your orientation session, you can seek help from myMurdoch Advice student success advisors, or by contacting your academic chair.
We acknowledge that Murdoch University is situated on the lands of the Whadjuk and Binjareb Noongar people. We pay our respects to their enduring and dynamic culture and the leadership of Noongar elders past and present. The boodjar (country) on which Murdoch University is located has, for thousands of years, been a place of learning. We at Murdoch University are proud to continue this long tradition.