SAE Tech Papers Updated Template

This SAE Tech Paper template attempts to update the original template provided by Axel Franke to reflect the recent style changes of SAE International. The license is left as the original given by Axel Franke in the sae.cls file.

SAE Tech Papers Updated Template


%~ \documentclass[letterpaper,times,draft] \documentclass[letterpaper,times] \usepackage[svgnames] \definecolor \raggedright \usepackage[justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false] % ,figurename=Fig.,labelfont= \DeclareCaptionFont\selectfont #1> \captionsetup> \usepackage \usepackage[utf8] \usepackage% (also necessary for width calculations (for vert. lines))) \newcolumntype[1]<><\raggedright\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace>p> \newcolumntype[1]<><\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace>p> \newcolumntype[1]<><\raggedleft\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace>p> \usepackage \usepackage \usepackage \newcommand<\ignore>[1]<> \newcommand[1]> \newcommand[1]> \newcommand[1]> \newcommand[1]<\mbox<\textit>> \newcommand[1]<\textsuperscript> \renewcommand \usepackage \usepackage % Define "struts" as suggested by Claudio Beccari in % a piece in TeX and TUG News, Vol. 2, 1993. \newcommand\Tstrut> % "top" strut \newcommand\Bstrut> % "bottom" strut \newcommand<\TBstrut> <\Tstrut\Bstrut>% top&bottom struts %%% the following hides the section number while keeping their numbering for proper referencing in toc and \ref \makeatletter \def\@seccntformat#1 \makeatother \usepackage \usepackage \DeclareMathOperator \newcommand<\quotes>[1] \PaperTitle \usepackage % to get proper table widths (subtracting colsep and black lines width \makeatletter \renewcommand\@biblabel[1] \makeatother \AddAuthor \PaperNumber \SAECopyright \begin \maketitle \section This \LaTeX\ class provides correct formatting according to the requirements for the publication of an SAE Technical Paper. It is supposed to be useful for authors publishing simulation models and similar containing lots of formulas. The style contains many features automating the formatting and thus, making it easier for the author to concentrate on contents. \section \textbf This is a Level 1 heading, created with the command \begin \section \end As can be seen, the correct format (bold face and capitalized) is done by the style -- the author does not need to care about that. Here is a sample figure, namely Fig.~\ref, followed by a sample table, namely, Table~\ref. A simpler table without line returns and with a different number of columns to demonstrate the logic behind the cell width calculation is shown in Table~\ref. Finally, a sample multifigure is shown, for whom wants to use subfigures, in Fig.~\ref and its subfigures Figs.~\ref to~\ref. \begin[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth] \caption \label \end \begin[!htb] \fontsize\selectfont \centering \caption\label \begin \begin < | L<0.8\linewidth-2\tabcolsep-1.3\arrayrulewidth>| L <0.2\linewidth-2\tabcolsep-1.3\arrayrulewidth>| > \hline a dimension & 0.009 m \\ \hline another & 0.24 m \\ \hline a very long text describing another dimension to force a line return inside the table cell & 0.99 m \\ \hline something that requires a footnote\footnote & something \\ \hline Writing an angle in degrees & 0$^$ \\ \hline \end\par \vspace \renewcommand<> \end \end \begin[!htb] \fontsize\selectfont \centering \caption\label \begin <| L<0.1\columnwidth-2\tabcolsep-1.2\arrayrulewidth>| L | L | L | L |> \hline & \textbf & \textbf & \textbf & \textbf \\ \hline \textbf & 0.453 & 1.00 & - & - \\ \hline \textbf & 1.99 & 0.777 & 1.50 & -0.999 \\ \hline \end \par \vspace \renewcommand<> \end \begin[!htb] \centering \subfigure[Some info.]<\includegraphics[height=.15\textheight]\label> \hspace \subfigure[Caption.]<\includegraphics[height=.14\textheight]\label> \hspace \subfigure[More info.]<\includegraphics[height=.10\textheight]\label>% \caption \label \end Some citations to interesting articles such as~\cite or~\cite can also be added and then presented at the end of the document. These usually go after the conclusion or recommendation sections, respectively Sections~\ref and~\ref. \section Title, author information, paper number and copyright are created in the preface using the commands \begin \PaperTitle \AddAuthor \PaperNumber \SAECopyright \end Authors from the same affiliation should be added within one \verb+\AddAuthor+ command. The general syntax is \begin \AddAuthor \end The command may be used several times. \subsection This is a subheading which has been created as usual with the command \begin \subsection \end Also the following sub-subheading is formatted automatically by the style. \subsubsection The \texttt \LaTeX\ style supports optional arguments which determine the document font (Helvetica or Times) and the paper size (letterpaper or A4). Default is Helvetica and A4. The letter format of this publication has been obtained by the opening command \begin \documentclass[letterpaper] \end If Times is desired as document font, this can be achieved by using \begin \documentclass[letterpaper,times] \end or \begin \documentclass[times] \end The latter uses A4 as paper size. This concept has the advantage that document font and the paper size can be changed easily at any time of the publication process. \section \label Here can some interesting conclusion be presented. \section \label Followed by a short recommendation based on the work done. \bibliographystyle % closest to SAE \bibliography \section Louis Gagnon, Ph.D. \newline \section Some acknowledgments are always appreciated and sometimes compulsory! \section \begin[h] \centering \begin L> \textbf & Arbitrary Mesh Interface \\ \textbf & Computational Fluid Dynamics \\ \textbf & Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes \\ \end \end \onecolumn \section \label This section can present figures that occupy too much space to include in the main text. The authors can choose what should go in an appendix. \clearpage \section %: Flow animations> \label \renewcommand Sometimes a second appendix is necessary, for example, to give a link to some extra video material. \end